St. Andrews supports the following ministries.
St. Andrews supports community ministries.

Fighting hunger is at the heart of our Presbyterian understanding of mission. Jesus fed the hungry and told his disciples to do the same. Yet, we know that hunger is an extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political and social causes. Loaves and Fishes is making a huge impact on local hunger – feeding hungry people in our neighborhoods with food pantries, soup kitchens, community meals, community gardens, backpack programs and more. This important ministry is vital to people who are hungry today.

Each day, thousands of individuals, youth, and families in the United States wake up without a place to call home. Affordable housing is at risk, and in some communities, non-existent. Youth are left to live on the streets or in shelters. Families are forced out of their homes, with limited or no resources to provide a roof for shelter.
The Bible calls us to shelter the homeless and feed those who are hungry. St. Andrews supports the development of affordable housing, supporting shelters and transitional housing, and participating in social service programs.

Macon has the largest homeless population in the state of Georgia.
Balance of State Continuum of Care Point in Time Homeless Count Report. 2017